I like the thought that in the house we are to be ‘armed with gifting, ability, authority and power. These last few days of prayer have shown that we are to be an expression of Gods government on earth. The idea of being poured out and sacrificed for his purposes can be a daunting thought. When we think of this as a sacrificial delight that we are giving of ourselves for his purposes we see sacrifice from a different perspective. As we begin to take responsibility for our gift and steward it well we become an expression of the Kingdom of God, his government and his kingdom is advanced. Blessings
What a challenge in this present age where the world view is very much about us controlling everything in our lives. Unfortunately we take this thinking into our life with God and want to control the gifts that He has given us for the growing of His Kingdom, and only use them when it is convenient to us, which sadly the enemy will make sure is not too often.
But when we push through and get over ourselves we will see the miracles and breakthroughs we long for. God can do it all on His own but He chose to share His victories with us. Lets be willing to let God use us to bring his government and his kingdom…