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Misfits for Jesus

Today’s reading talked about some people in church see themselves as misfits and can’t seem to find there place. There is a remnant today that cannot be happy in traditional church. God talks about the remnant often in the bible, people with a Kingdom heart and a desire to see Gods purposes done in the earth, and a desire to see salvation, to see Jesus glorified. Unfortunately when you talk about building his house and praying for his kingdom, you can feel like a misfit because that is not the language of some Christians today. The focus is not always on Christ and his Kingdom. Would love to hear others thoughts?

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Carol Daly
Carol Daly

As humans we always want to fit in but God made us individuals not so we could all be the same but that our very differences would be our strength. Just because you don't think like everyone else does not mean that what God has put in you is not for His kingdom. We would still be living in caves if no one was brave enough to say lets do something different. If Jesus is our Saviour then we are connected to the most creative being ever and although God never changes His way of increasing His Kingdom does. Lets get passionate about it.

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