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Rejected but not a reject


I remember the first time I felt rejection as a child. It was when some girls in my kapa haka group whispered about me behind my back and made fun of me. It was the worst feeling ever, I felt like an outcast. There were other times that I experienced rejection, I felt unfit and not good enough. In Matthew 21:42 it says that Jesus was the stone that the builders rejected, but he became the chief cornerstone. I like where the reading talks about allowing rejection to fashion us into an absolute dependence upon God. It is God that shows us our identity and affirms us. It’s in this place where we become a great stone of worth and impact. Releasing and working through hurts, wounds and bitterness means that God can fashion us and prepare us for great works for him. Rejection is rampant in families today, and the root of rejection comes from Baal worship. God is going to release a new level of power for healing and restoration through and into his people like we have never experienced before. Those who come to Christ will experience this move, and families will flourish.

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